Website Stocked for the Holidays! Posted on 6 Dec 10:49

Thanks to the wifey and a lot of hard work, my website is finally stocked. This is the most I have ever been able to stock the website. All year long people at shows ask me why I don't ever have anything on my site and the answer is, it's hard to keep up with a website and inventory while traveling. So to make up for it, I've gone all out this year. I've got big creeps, potty mouth creeps, lil dudes, magnets, stickers and even some small/medium mixed media pieces. It never lasts long online so grab it while you can! And if you are interested in any of my large pieces, shoot me an email or message on FB or a text and I can send photos and pricing for those. The only reason I don't put them up on here is because shipping can get tricky due to weight and weird sizes. Thank you ALL for supporting original art. You really do make  a difference across the board by doing so. Not just for me but for future generations of artists. Seeing original art inspires others. Thank you for not letting us crazy artist become a dying breed. 

Much love and happy holidays from my family to yours.